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Project Torque Community Forums

Welcome to the ProjectTorque forum! You will need to register an account here to play the game. Click the register button and sign in with Steam. Use a legitimate email as this is used for account recovery if you forget your password. We will never spam you or sell your user data!

oops wrong thread


New member
I'll ask again in the proper thread, it was a question about what password and user name will be used for logging in when game client is available
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As far I understand it you use the same username and password as here for the Forum.
If you don't have a password because you logged in with steam, simply go to you Forum Account and create a password.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
No you are right andy. but the beta isn't live. if you got the email with the key that is just to preload. jack has done something special for us though to test while waiting for the account logins to work properly with the forum.