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Kawana vs. Corus vs. Lion vs. Wizz


What starter car do you think is the best? I'm gonna pick the Lion because it has the best total combined stats and is a true lion (no pun intended) when upgraded. Back in 2013 when I played Heat, I picked the Miyato Wizz, which has the best top speed out of all the four. Then there are the Corus S3 and the Kawana K-660. The Corus S3 as far as I know is a good all-rounder, and the Kawana is a good drift starter, even though its stats are inferior to the other three.
That was different in every build,but something that never changed,is the Corus S3 being the slowest of them. :)
Depends on game mode and tracks you race on. Once the missions are fixed you can win them all anyway.