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Search results

  1. Karma

    Game crashes trying to join EU server

    Deleting the save folder seems to have worked. ZIP file contains only the two specified files and is still too large.
  2. Karma

    Game crashes trying to join EU server

    Still too large, Even when zipped, and after deleting the save folder.
  3. Karma

    Game crashes trying to join EU server

    Won't let me upload the file stating it's too large, anywhere else I can send it?
  4. Karma

    Game crashes trying to join EU server

    Like the title says, my game crashes trying to join the EU server. The US/Asia servers work fine for me but usually only the EU server has population when I have the time to play so this is a bit of an issue for me. I've tried reinstalling, I'm not sure if there's anything else on my end I can...
  5. Karma

    Expanding car classes

    I originally pitched this idea in Discord, but it was suggested to me to post it properly here on the forum so, copy paste. I understand that modeling new cars is time and effort, a lot of time and effort, and I'd imagine that no one would complain about expanding classes a bit, so what about...
  6. Karma

    Game economy

    I think this is a very important change, and I like the idea. I'm not a teenager anymore, I work full time, I maintain a social life, and I have a relationship, I don't have time in my life to be playing a game endlessly for virtual items, nor will I let that happen. As far as I see it, games...