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PT International Tournaments (CTF 1v1 Tomorrow!)


New member
Hey, we're currently working on getting a little bit of an esport feeling to Project Torque and created a Discord all around that topic.
We hope to find a lot of people interested so we are able to create even bigger and better tournaments of all kind of gamemodes in the future.

There's already a small CTF 1v1 tournament starting tomorrow (5th of January) with prizes for the first and second place.

For more Informations and to participate
join our Discord!

Since currently all tournaments will be running over challonge.com, we created a challonge community where all players and teams compete with an elo rating system.
The better your placement in a tournament will be, the more elo rating you will receive.
You can also see all upcoming tournaments in one place and easily sign up.
• Join now: https://challonge.com/communities/PTI
