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What the hell is going on here??? since when multiple accounts is allowed ?? some idiots just playing like that


example infuk00 this is just 0 alias for batsblack he prolly have 2 computers one siting afk while second is full speed to xp and rp
back in days i remember this was punishment for permant ban!
so my question is?? if this is allowed now suddenly then whats the point of playing... this is full of fraud!
click that search bar in the top right it is really useful. But given you are clearly too damn lazy to use it. here. https://community.projecttorque.racing/threads/game-rules-read-me.258/

Also keep in mind, atm there are no GS or GM so no way for anyone to really confirm or ban anyone for anything atm. Kind of what happens with something with only fans working on it in their free time such as this revival. Eventually we will get GS and GM but right now this is beta so... welcome to beta. also appropriate name. I hope that isn't all you plan to do here is rant.
so explain to me how this is possible?? infuk00 is started over 1000 races and he is still level 10!
I never said he wasn't doing it. I justed pointed you to the answer to your question and explained why nothing has been done yet. so what else is there to explain?