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Ongoing Community Events


New member
Players need incentives to play the game without getting bored of rinsing and repeating. Adding ongoing events (whether weekly, biweekly, or monthly) will keep things fresh and players engaged in new activities. There could be special limited time race tracks, farming events, etc to spice things up.
Players need incentives to play the game without getting bored of rinsing and repeating. Adding ongoing events (whether weekly, biweekly, or monthly) will keep things fresh and players engaged in new activities. There could be special limited time race tracks, farming events, etc to spice things up.
There were a thing called missions that you could just do that, but eventually as new games appear, we've seen the called "events" to be popular among players, i think it would be a great addition that with time could be improved.
I hope that there remains a function in which you bought a special contract that gave you the opportunity to create your own event, with your own prizes (at your expense naturally), and conditions.:unsure: