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Login Screen Grid-Girls

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Topic It OVER ..... The ratio is now NO >>>>> 71% ====== YES >>>>> 29% .... No need for more controversy ... Just go vote


Just 8 days to vote ....
It's a good healthy discussion each and everyone of us has differing views and outlooks on the said Topic whois to say who is right or wrong here, let the discussion go on, more input from more gamers is most welcome imo. Would love a females take on this also.
I think the entire topic is pointless and not for the community to decide. Jack should just make a call and go with it. Its his show so he should make the calls not us. Also I'd prefer him to be focused on the bugs and reverse engineering instead of dealing with silly things like a grid girl being in the game or not. In the big picture at this moment its not a big issue. the bugs and getting the game running good overall is much more important than such a silly thing. tbh idc one way or the other if she stays or goes. I just think Jack shouldn't waste any time of focus on it at this time.
I think the entire topic is pointless and not for the community to decide. Jack should just make a call and go with it. Its his show so he should make the calls not us. Also I'd prefer him to be focused on the bugs and reverse engineering instead of dealing with silly things like a grid girl being in the game or not. In the big picture at this moment its not a big issue. the bugs and getting the game running good overall is much more important than such a silly thing. tbh idc one way or the other if she stays or goes. I just think Jack shouldn't waste any time of focus on it at this time.
You're saying that developers should make all calls independently, regardless of what their community wants? Wasn't that literally what caused the demise of PT (not to mention so many other games) in the first place?

The difference between this issue and the bug squashing and reverse engineering that you keep referring to, is that the latter quite literally costs time and money to progress. The issue with the login girls is something that costs absolutely zero time or money and will have a guaranteed boost in player exposure. Even if that boost is next to nothing... Considering the cost of the change being nothing, its an absolute no brainer...
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