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Kick feature for Room Master.

I would like to see a kick feature for the Room Master that works even at the vote screen, or possibly during a race. The current kick feature requires that we be at the lobby, or players vote kick on someone during loading (only works if the offending player loads slowly). I can't begin to count the amount of races where I had wanted to remove a rough driver, but never had the ability to. If you tell a player to drive cleaner, or try to vote kick them, the ones I have come into contact with seem to drive rougher. If this continues with nothing for us to do, I may be forced to quit playing it once again. I have even gone as far as naming my room as "Racing - Clean!" and it does no good.

Also to note, Chat Kick is only effective from the chat room, and if they leave, they can return with full chat ability again.
I'm getting tired too of rammers..
Aside of the bad behavior on track they are also foul mouthed, relentless and vengeful, to such a degree they will follow you even by changing room just to mess with your game..
Some are even coordinated with each other, taking squad tactics against single individuals, like slamming a car against a wall then keeping it pressed by a car on the side and one on the front.
I'm playing less and less. I've tried to introduce some friends to the game, wich at first enjoyed it, after a few days they quitted saying it wasn't worth to waste time dealing with such people.
Sadly this is the modern racing game audience, rammers. just take a look at forza and gt titles, nothing but rammers. or hell any racing game. the CoD fanbase mentality has spread through gaming like a cancer even infecting the racing genre. In today's gaming culture being a gamer is the same as being a toxic piece of shit. they are basically the same thing for most people now.