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Search results

  1. SureAction

    Cant upgrade car (Stallion)

    haha thank you guys ill start grinding. the thread is done ;)
  2. SureAction

    Cant upgrade car (Stallion)

    thanks for the advice.. restarting lol ill always post in the forum before trying things like this.. ill try with a vpn and maybe VM ware if it still does not work ill be mad thanks for the help guys
  3. SureAction

    Cant upgrade car (Stallion)

    still doesent work.. :(
  4. SureAction

    Cant upgrade car (Stallion)

    Am i stupid or isnt it possible to upgrade the car on lvl 27? why cant i upgrade it despite me having the requierd lvl? Thanks for help LG SureAction
  5. SureAction

    Wheel support?

    Hello is there are way to play the game with a wheel? i heard its not possible anymore.. :confused:
  6. SureAction

    Windows Vista no support?

    you could use an emulator and install win 10 on the VM. you could dowload steam and play the game.. should work. for example vm ware 15