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Search results

  1. Slowrb20s13

    Open Beta weekend!

    You have alot of files i dont have
  2. Slowrb20s13

    Open Beta weekend!

    Says cant connect to login server
  3. Slowrb20s13

    Levelling changes

    I think the entire scale needs to be changed. The jump is still very large at the top and nothing at the bottom. But then lvl requirements for cars and parts etc should change also accordingly.
  4. Slowrb20s13

    The most probable release date

    I was never a big fan of purchasable ingame currency, bc my wallet is shallow, and whoever has the bigger wallet has the nicer stuff in the game. Which is completely unfair
  5. Slowrb20s13

    The most probable release date

    I would still like to donate but wont let me
  6. Slowrb20s13


    y e e t
  7. Slowrb20s13

    Just an idea

    Once this is back up and going smoothly, maybe a port to mobile devices for on the go play? It is a older game and our phones/tablets have gotten alot more powerful.
  8. Slowrb20s13

    We are on Steam! Beta keys to come.

    Aw man! How did i miss on all this?? Hope there are still ways to get a beta key.