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Search results

  1. Bull

    visual bug: names not centered anymore after creating crew

    Its a slight visual bug and more just annoying to look at with my OCD than anything but ever since I created a crew, names havent centered at all and there's no fixing it as far as I know.
  2. Bull

    Getting a Loss for spectating a match

    The game gives you a loss for spectating a match, doesnt matter if you leave during the match or stay until you get kicked out, its counting as a match loss somehow
  3. Bull

    Spectator Bug

    I noticed the game randomly gave me a race cancelled and decreased my reliability when I left a lobby that I was spectating. I joined the lobby as a a spectator and left to get a different car and noticed that since it was my 1st race cancelled now. I dont know how often it happens to others but...
  4. Bull

    CTF Bug (Flag steal giving out 100-150 pts at random)

    It's happening very randomly but seems to mostly effect the top players who catch the flag the most, I've gotten it once or twice and I noticed others getting it when their score shoots ahead of mine. In the clip you see Karma in 2nd place at 1060pts-ish and then once he steals the flag his...