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Recent content by M.V.P.

  1. M.V.P.

    Anyone experiencing the car shaking side to side?

    Removing steering help shouldn't be on your to do list... Anyone starts with 50%... this is the way new players get to know the game... It was the same for me. Over time i figured out that it doesnt help me to be faster but many newcomers might be used to it and it definatly makes life easier...
  2. M.V.P.

    mouse cursor

    Yes KB4535101 is an update for .NET framework. However in (near/far) future we all have to update it so we all might face this problem.
  3. M.V.P.

    do not be a hypocrite

    Sadly this game is full of hypocrates... I could say so many names... However waiting should be something like a gesture and not be a norm. If you wait its fine... extra karma for you... But if you don't wait it's the most ordinary thing to do... Overall this is racing and noone should wait for...
  4. M.V.P.

    mouse cursor

    Ive got the same problem. However it seems to be a new problem, to me it happend after a windows 10 update. This problem is very different to the classic problem where the cursor of the mouse disappears. In this case the cursor gets invisible once you're above any icon you can click at. I'll...