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Recent content by kafka

  1. kafka


    Its very dificult to judge the deliberate ramming. This is why the most advisable, in my opinion, is the ghost mode.
  2. kafka


    I hope that players do not be banned from the game only for a crash during a race! Is acceptabe be banned from the related race but is not for the game at all as the old Level-R rules!
  3. kafka

    Do you want Race Bonus to become an RP item again?

    I played the three versions of the game: the first PT; the second called level-R; and the second the heat online. The most interested version version was the first. In that, the experience and the knowledge of the races were more important than money. It was regular a free car win a payed car...
  4. kafka

    Um sonho tornado realidade!

    Boas, quando está disponível?