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Unable to change graphics settings


New member
Hello there. I am hoping that someone could help me out with this issue that I'm having.

When wanting to up the graphics settings for my game, I switched the full screen to windowed and I thought that I'd try having the game in 4K since my computer can handle this game at a higher resolution even though I only have two 1080p screens.

What ended up happening was that the game didn't resize to keep the borders in the screen and the game is so big on my screens that I am unable to drag it downwards to apply any settings.


I tried putting in Steam launch settings like forcing fullscreen or reducing the resolution down to 1080p but no dice. I even tried reinstalling, but it saved the graphics settings.

Please help, thank you.

EDIT: I decided to try to change the positions of my screens within Windows so that I can have one screen underneath the other one and I was able to fix it that way.

Thank you for the tip though, Jack. Might help out someone else who is in a similar situation I was in.
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