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Search results

  1. HardCorrado

    After drag transmission became manual

    I used automatic transmission. But after playing drag mode, which generally uses manual transmission, my transmission in arcarde made changes itself also to automatic.
  2. HardCorrado

    Suggestions for game improvements

    My current suggestions: - possibility to change car balancing in the race lobby and/or the loading screen - possibility to set a higher number of race participants (10, 12 or even more players) - after the winner crossed the finish line, more time for the other players to reach the finish, too...
  3. HardCorrado

    Mac version?

    I don't know how complex it would be, but is there a possibility to create a Mac version in the future? I have several friends, who played Level R in the past. But in meantime, they changed to Mac computers. Would be fun to play Project Torque together again.
  4. HardCorrado

    Increasing the number of available cars via different body styles

    My idea is inspired by GTA V Mods like FiveM, where they took existing cars from the original game and added versions with different body styles. I don't know if this idea is realistic or even possible for Project Torque. But if it is, it could be a faster and easier way to implement new cars...